Carma Reincke
Principal Designer & Owner
Affiliate IIDA / Fort Wayne Chamber Member
Carma has been a creative force in the design industry for more than 30 years. She is an award-winning interior designer published in magazines such as Gulf Shore Life of Southwest Florida, and The Builder’s Journal, and she appeared on the cover of Fort Wayne Women’s Magazine. Carma is an established designer of high acclaim and personal integrity. Her repertoire of projects crosses the United States as well as the Caribbean. Her opinions are sought by those who keep the pulse of the design industry. Her work has been featured in Lauflen Tile and Grabill Cabinets’ ad campaigns, and she has served on the board of directors for Children’s Hope. Her diverse background in residential and commercial interior design lends her the opportunity to create unique spaces for her clients. She excels in designing all environments from high-end residential homes to commercial spaces, including restaurants and healthcare facilities.